A word about surgery…
More often than not, doctors send patients to physical therapy to either prevent surgery or to rehabilitate following surgery. Whether you are working toward the former or recovering from the latter, rest assured that our skilled team of rehabilitation specialists is ready to help you on your road to recovery.
You have a choice!
As a patient, you may not realize that when it comes to Physical Therapy, you have a choice. When your doctor prescribes medicine, the pharmacy you choose is up to you. Likewise, when your doctor prescribes physical therapy, the therapist you choose is up to you. Many healthcare consumers are unaware that a physician may recommend, but cannot dictate—under any circumstance—where you receive care.
From the moment you contact the Cantrell Center, you become a part of our family. As a result, our team immediately partners with you to get you back to the quality of life you deserve. Furthermore, our treatment approach focuses on the end goal, which is getting you back on your feet, back on your bike, back in the water, or back on the field, as quickly as possible.
In conclusion: The choice is yours. Choose the best. Choose the Cantrell Center.
To schedule your evaluation, please give us a call at (478) 953-3535!
Physical Therapy Defined
At its most basic level, Physical Therapy utilizes a variety of techniques, exercises and machines to help patients develop, maintain, and/or restore maximum range of movement and functionality. Additionally, while Physical therapy is commonly associated with many musculoskeletal and neurological problems, there are many health issues that are also commonly treated, with great success, in this realm.
Where Does It Hurt?

Torso & Ribcage
There are numerous musculoskeletal conditions that can cause pain in the upper back (thoracic area), ribs...

Neck & Back
Whether you are a post-operative patient or a non-surgical candidate, physical therapy will most likely play...

Whether a child faces orthopedic or neurological problems, The Cantrell Center for Physical Therapy and...

Knee & Hip
Physical Therapists are known for rehabilitating post-operative knees, so if you have had knee surgery you...

Pelvic Health
Following are some diagnoses associated with the pelvis and hips that can be effectively treated with physical therapy...

Elbow & Wrist
You may not realize that physical therapy for the hand requires a specialist. It does. These individuals are few...

Ankle & Foot
Often, patients simply need to be fitted for “orthotics,” custom molded shoe inserts designed to impart...