Holiday Game Plan
The holidays are fast approaching!
What’s your holiday game plan? In the fitness world, this time of year usually generates excuses that lead to decreases in attendance at the gym, pool, classes, etc. You would think that it would be exact opposite! Though we complain about not wanting to put on weight during the holidays, it’s usually a time when we frequently forego one of the most important avenues that will help to keep those pounds off!
If you are a member here at the Cantrell Center, you should be familiar with follow-up appointments. For those of you aren’t members, these are complimentary appointments we offer exclusively to our active wellness members. They are typically scheduled every 2 months with one of our expert Wellness Trainers. These appointments are designed to help us track each member’s progress in their exercise routine.
During the months of September and October we begin scheduling into November and December for the next follow up. Scheduling during these time frames leads to questions such as: “Do you want to come the week before or after Thanksgiving/Christmas?” I bet you can guess what most responses are: “Before!” (Though every once in a while, I will have someone schedule it for after, hoping that it will keep them on track knowing they will be weighed the next week!) But, for the most part, everyone knows that the holidays are a time of fun and fellowship where you get to eat lots of yummy dishes and desserts that you may only get once a year. We have to understand that we CAN enjoy the holiday food and fun without it costing us dearly on the scale! I try to encourage my members to go into the holidays with a game plan.
Holiday Game Plan
- Don’t sacrifice your exercise routine! “I have a party tonight”, “Company is coming in”, “I have a lot of cooking to do” are just a few of the reasons some might skip their workout during the holidays. Schedule your exercise like it is an appointment that you cannot miss! Instead of thinking “I have company coming which means I can’t go to the gym today”, tell yourself, “My company is coming this afternoon when I usually go to the pool so I’m going to need to go to the class this morning and knock it out before they get here!” Don’t sacrifice your well-being when all you need to do is readjust your schedule a little bit.
- You can still enjoy your favorite holiday foods without feeling super guilty! Along with keeping up with your exercising, be sure to watch your portions of the high-calorie holiday favorites. Keep other meals light when you have a big dinner or lunch planned.
- Don’t stress yourself out with the number on the scale! Everyone’s weight is going to fluctuate within a couple of pounds from day to day. The holidays are a time when we seem to obsess over that number even more. Don’t compare your weight in the morning one day to your weight in the evening the following day or what your scale said in comparison to the doctor’s scale. Whether you are weighing every day or only once a month, pick a time (usually first thing in the morning is good) to consistently weigh and wear the same clothing or lack thereof depending on your weighing place. (i.e. the comfort of your own home)!
Now Put It Into Practice!
I hope that by putting these 3 tips into practice, it will help keep you consistent with your routine this holiday season! If you’re an active Cantrell Center wellness member in need of accountability, call us to schedule a follow up! Simply call 478-333-6777 to schedule one at no charge today. We are here to help! If you’re not a member, but would like to be, give us a call at (478) 333-6777. We’d be happy to discuss the details concerning joining our wellness program. Either way, I hope you enjoy the holidays and time with your family and friends!
BY: Cantrell Center
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